1,000 - 100,000 GBP

Yearly based


united kingdom

Job Posted:
6 months ago
Job Type
Full Time
Job Role
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Job Description
We encourage applications from people from all backgrounds and aim to have a workforce that represents the wider society that we serve. We pride ourselves on being an employer of choice. We champion diversity, inclusion and wellbeing and aim to create a workplace where everyone feels valued and a sense of belonging. To find out more about how we do this visit: Rydym yn croesawu ac yn annog ceisiadau gan bawb, yn cynnwys grwpiau sydd wedi’u tangynrychioli yn ein gweithlu ar hyn o bryd, ac rydym yn ymfalchïo mewn bod yn gyflogwr o safon uchel sy’n denu llawer o ymgeiswyr. Ewch i gael rhagor o wybodaeth am sut rydym yn hyrwyddo amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant yn y gweithle. HMPPS Wales pride ourselves on being an employer of choice and encourage applications from candidates irrespective of identity, background, life experience or circumstances. It’s vital that our justice system is as diverse as the society we serve and we welcome the unique contribution diverse applicants bring. In line with the Equality Act 2010, we are able to offer advice and support to candidates from backgrounds which are currently under-represented in our workforce or face recognised barriers. This includes ethnic minority and disabled people. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact Mae Gwasanaeth Carchardai a Phrawf EF yn ymfalchïo mewn bod yn gyflogwr o ddewis ac anogwn ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr ni waeth beth yw eu hunaniaeth, eu cefndir, eu profiadau bywyd neu eu hamgylchiadau. Mae’n hanfodol bod ein system gyfiawnder yr un mor amrywiol â’r gymdeithas rydym yn ei gwasanaethu ac rydym yn croesawu’r cyfraniadau unigryw a ddaw gan ymgeiswyr amrywiol. Yn unol â Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010, rydym yn gallu cynnig cyngor a chymorth i ymgeiswyr o gefndiroedd sydd wedi’u tangynrychioli yn ein gweithlu neu sy’n wynebu rhwystrau amlwg. Mae hyn yn cynnwys pobl anabl a phobl o gefndiroedd ethnig lleiafrifol. Os hoffwch wybod mwy, cysylltwch â’r Tim Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant yn Overview of the job The job holder will lead the management and assessment of selected low to medium risk prisoners and prepare, implement, review and evaluate their sentence plans with them. The job holder will build effective, appropriate and supportive relationships with prisoners, with the aim of reducing re-offending. The job holder will act in a supportive role only to probation officers in the case management of high risk prisoners. The job holder will have undergone selection and additional training to carry out this specialist delivery job as a Prison Offender Manager to prisoners. This is a non-operational job with no line management responsibilities. Will have regular prisoner facing activities/duties. Summary Typical tasks associated with this role include: • Supervise, Manage, Signpost and advise prisoners decently, safely and securely while carrying out all activities. • Understand, apply and conform to national and local policies. • Establish, develop and maintain professional relationships with prisoners and staff. • Maintain and update systems in line with local agreements. • Prepare relevant documentation to managers for verification/quality checking purposes. • Attend and contribute to relevant meetings as required. • To assess and manage the risk posed by offenders to protect victims of crime and the general public by: o Providing information and advice to other criminal justice agencies and partner organisations. o Supervise offenders during custodial sentences. o Contribute to the management of risk. o Work with other agencies and groups to prevent reoffending and meet the needs of victims and offenders.

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